Happy Birth Coach

Tuesday evenings throughout 2024

Pregnancy Relaxation Sessions

£14 per session or 6 dates for £74 (1.15h each session)

Book your place by emailing us

Come and join Kate Chisnall - Happy Birth Coach - for a morning/evening of relaxation and dedicated time to connect with your body and your baby. We will chat through a different birth-related topic each week, we will practice focused breathing techniques & you will be guided through a beautiful relaxation practice. This gentle practice will help you to embrace & enjoy your pregnancy, whilst recognising any feelings or worries as you approach your baby's birth.

Pop on your comfy clothes (slippers very welcome!), bring an eye mask and Kate will provide comfy chairs/yoga mats, fluffy blankets and feathery pillows to ease you into a beautiful relaxation practice. Kate will create a calming low lit and aromatherapy filled space in a non-judgemental and safe atmosphere. Think comfort, candles, fairy lights and nibbles.



Kate Chisnall

Contact us.